Residential Utility Location Services
Ground Scan NZ are specialists in Residential Utility Locating. Before you start any ground works including building extensions, decks or fences, pool installations or landscaping projects, give us a call to discuss your needs. Know before you dig!
No two job sites are the same, however our skilled and highly experienced Utility Locator technicians can locate, identify and mark out any underground services. These typically include:
Hitting and damaging a live underground power cable can be extremely dangerous, even fatal! Private power connections are typically buried anywhere from 1m to just 20cm deep, so if you are intending to dig anywhere at all on your property, it is essential that you first locate the power connection line so that it can be avoided at all costs. Know before you dig!
In terms of danger levels, buried gas lines are a close second to power cables. Rupturing a pressurized gas pipe can have explosive results, destroying homes and risking the lives of those in the vicinity. Buried gas lines can be very easy to locate, or very difficult, depending on how old the service is and/or if the utility company took the care to install it with a tracer wire.
For this reason it is always best to call in a professional to locate gas lines prior to any excavation work on your property.
Striking a water mains doesn’t usually pose a severe safety risk, however it can certainly turn a simple job into a messy and costly exercise! Once past the Toby Valve (the tap in the ground usually located on your front boundary) the watermain is the property owners responsibility, so if you damage this line, you will be forced to pay for the repairs and cleanup!
As water lines are typically plastic and do not have tracer wires, they can be difficult to locate without the correct equipment and training. Our operators have a range of technology at their disposal, including the latest in Acoustic Listening Devices, which enable us to quickly locate buried water lines.
Fibre is typically a Utility Locators nemesis! The lines themselves are a tiny fibre optic strand, wrapped in fiberglass, coated with plastic, ie. they contain nothing conductive! Thus, unless the line has been laid with a tracer (not common in these days of high-volume mass thrusting) cannot be traced using standard electromagnetic technology.
In suitable conditions, we can utilize our GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) unit to locate these lines, but often our technicians must rely on their industry experience to deduce their location.
If needed, we will dig a small trench (called a slot-trench) by hand in order to verify the location of buried Fibre Optic Cables.
The Sewer network needs little explaining, however few people outside of the industry really grasp the complexity of what lay beneath their feet and under their properties. In fact many private properties have council-owned Sewer and Stormwater lines running beneath them and naturally councils want to ensure these pipes are not damaged or disrupted in any way by the actions of residents. For this reason, if you intend on digging anywhere near a council Sewer pipe, it is imperative that you locate any buried network pipes and consider these when planning any excavation or building works.
Councils require advanced permission to access their lines, which is needed to locate them accurately above ground. Fortunately our technicians have years of experience working with council-owned assets and we understand and follow these proper procedures.
*If your proposed building work is on top of or near a council-owned pipe it is likely that you will also be required to provide a pre and post CCTV pipe condition survey (to prove you did not damage the pipe during construction). Contact us about our CCTV Services for more details.
The Stormwater drainage network is where your house downpipes run into (unless your downpipes run into soak holes on your property). As with Sewer pipes, when it comes to renovations or extensions requiring consents, councils will insist that you have any council-owner Stormwater lines under your property accurately located and marked out prior to any excavation – including post holing for decks or fences. Likewise, your architectural engineer will need to know the exact location of these lines to design appropriate foundations for any building extensions. This is where you need reliable and accurate locations!
Council mains Sewer and Stormwater can be as shallow as 300mm or as deep as 20m! Don’t risk the fines and potential harm that can come from hitting these buried pipes. Give us a call first!
Understanding exactly what is going on below the surface of your project site is a critical step in the planning/design process and vital to ensuring safety to personnel, damage avoidance and costly project delays.
It is our mission here at Ground Scan NZ to provide contractors, architectural designers, home owners and utilities providers with highly detailed, accurate and reliable information on the subsurface environment.
Our Utility Location Specialists are comprehensively trained and highly experienced, and we prioritize ongoing training and development to ensure our clients receive world-class service.
If Underground Utility Location forms a critical part of your project, give us a call and we’ll get that sorted for you. We’re your local experts in Utility Location Services!
Safety First
Power Cable Locate-
Locate & Mark Out my homes Power Line
Power Combo
Power + One Other-
Locate & Mark Out my homes Power Line
Locate & Mark Out any other line of my choosing
The Build-Over
Sewer & Stormwater-
Locate & Mark Out Sewer Main & Connection
Locate & Mark Out Storm Main & Connection
Provide 'As-Built' Plan for council consent
The Works
Locate ALL Services-
Power Line
Gas Line
Water Main